Perio Resources

First-Hand Knowledge of Periodontics

Periodontics is the study of the supporting structures of the teeth (the periodontium), 
which includes the gingiva (gums), alveolar bone (jaw), root cementum, and the periodontal ligament. The word comes from the Greek words “peri” meaning around and “odons” meaning tooth. Literally taken, it means the study of that which is "around the tooth".

Learn More About Periodontal Diseases and How to Prevent Them

We believe that knowledge is power and our doctors want you to have all the power you need to help prevent periodontal disease and create the best possible outcomes for your periodontal treatments. Studies have repeatedly shown that when patients are armed with good information about their periodontal conditions and procedures, they experience a greater likelihood of successful results.

Your Participation is Important

We don't need to consult studies to know that our patients control the biggest factors that lead to positive outcomes. Integrated Periodontics regards the active participation of the patient as vital to the success of any treatment or therapy. The patient education begins at the first visit, continues throughout the treatment and follow-ups, and contributes greatly to the most effective results.

Please take the time to look through the information we've assembled for you. The Patient Pages from the American Academy of Periodontics provide easy-to-understand, valuable information about your oral health and the field of periodontics.

The links on this page lead to broader sources off our site where you can find more information about specific topics in periodontics. Also, don't forget to look at the literature you'll find in our office. Your periodontist may suggest some literature on your first visit, but feel free to take and read any of the various sheets and pamphlets available.
Periodontal Care

Helpful Periodontal Links

There is a great wealth of information about periodontics on the Internet; however, the challenge is finding the bit you're looking for. We are providing links to some of the finest sources of information on the topics.

Some of the sites listed have basic information designed for patients, and for those with a deeper thirst for knowledge, and some even delve deeper into the art and science of periodontology. You should find enough information to either answer your questions, or help you learn which questions to ask your periodontist.

This is the website of the American Academy of Periodontists. The "For the Public" section provides a great deal of information about periodontal issues and procedures.

The website of the American Dental Association has oral health news and information for consumers, students and educators. Call Integrated Periodontics today!
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Count on our 20 years of experience. We are members of The Waverly Chamber of Commerce and The 
American Dental Association.
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